





グローバル・デザイン教育フォーラム 2014 東京

グローバル化が進む世界において、クリエイティブ・インダストリーのグローバル化もまた大きな転機を迎えています。優れた異文化理解力とコミュニケーション能力を有し、クリエイティブ・インダストリーのグローバルな展開をリードし得る人材育成のプログラム開発は、世界のデザイン教育機関の主要な課題でもあります。グローバル人材育成推進事業に取り組む武蔵野美術大学がホストとなり開催するこのフォーラムは、本学がこれまで国際交流プロジェクトを連携して実施してきた協定校を中心に、ケルン・インターナショナル・スクール・オブ・デザイン(ドイツ)、ロンドン芸術大学 セントラル・セントマーチンズ・カレッジ(英国)、実践大学(台湾)、ラサール・カレッジ・オブ・アート(シンガポール)の参加を得て、グローバル化に対応した新しいデザイン教育の諸課題とあり方を討議し、さらなる国際コラボレーションと具体的な教育プログラム展開およびその実施の可能性について意見交換するものです。

なお、想定される新しいグローバル・デザイン教育のプログラムの一例として、参加校が数名の学生を選出し、ワークショップ開催校に派遣し、開催校の教員がホストとなり参加校の学生を指導する方式が考えられます。このプログラムは、開催校の学生を含む複数の参加校の学生が、一週間程度のワークショップ形式で開催校の設定する課題に取り組み、相互理解と交流を深めるもので、派遣校からの教員が引率同行しないことも特徴であり、学生自らが責任感と協調性を育む新しいタイプのリーダーシップ育成も兼ねたプログラムです。また同時に、各参加校でホストをつとめる教員によるGlobal Design Faculty(仮称)の連携ネットワークの創成や教育指導力の向上も期待するものです。

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タイトル:グローバル・デザイン教育フォーラム 2014 東京 -グローバル・デザイン教育ファカルティの創成にむけて-

日時:  2014年2月24日(月) 13:30~18:00 *フォーラム2の後、レセプションがあります
2014年2月25日(火) 10:30~18:00

会場:  東京ミッドタウン・デザインハブ
インターナショナル・デザイン・リエゾンセンター /
武蔵野美術大学 デザイン・ラウンジ
(〒107-6205 東京都港区赤坂9-7-1 ミッドタウン・タワー5F)

・フィリップ・ハイデカンプ | ケルン・インターナショナル・スクール・オブ・デザイン(ドイツ)
・ニコラス・ローズ | ロンドン芸術大学 セントラル・セントマーチンズ・カレッジ(英国)
・ベンカ・プルショサーマン | ラサール・カレッジ・オブ・アート(シンガポール)
・ワンルー・チョウ : 実践大学(台湾)
・長澤 忠徳 |武蔵野美術大学デザイン情報学科教授

・今泉 洋 | 武蔵野美術大学デザイン情報学科教授

・使用言語:英語 *日英同時通訳あり
13:30 – 14:00: 開会式<学長・理事長挨拶>
14:00 – 16:00: フォーラム<1> (於:リエゾンセンター)
16:00 – 16:30: コーヒーブレイク(於:デザインラウンジ)
16:30 – 18:00: フォーラム<2> (於:リエゾンセンター)
18:00 – 20:00: レセプション(於:デザイン・ラウンジ)

新たなグローバル・デザイン教育連携プログラム「Global Design Faculty(仮称)」について討議を行います。
・使用言語:英語のみ *英和通訳のサービスはありません
10:30 – 12:30: フォーラム<3> (於:リエゾンセンター)
12:30 – 13:30: 昼休憩
13:30 – 15:30: フォーラム<4> (於:リエゾンセンター)
15:30 – 16:00: コーヒープレイク(於:デザイン・ラウンジ)
16:00 – 17:30: フォーラム<5>(於:リエゾンセンター)
17:00 – 18:00: 閉会式

参加費: 無料

主催:  武蔵野美術大学

協力:  公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会

(〒187-8505 東京都小平市小川町1-736 / tel: 042-342-6041)


Amid the progressive globalization of the world, we are also facing a major turning point in the globalization of creative industries. A key challenge for design education institutions worldwide is the creation of programs to develop professionals with outstanding intercultural understanding and communication skills, who can lead the global expansion of creative industries. Hosted by Musashino Art University, which is engaged in projects to promote the cultivation of creative talent with a global outlook, this Forum boasts the participation of our partners in our international exchange programs, namely Köln International School of Design, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London, Shih Chien University, and Lasalle College of the Arts. The purpose of the Forum is to discuss challenges and approaches in relation to a new form of design education tailored to globalization, and to exchange opinions about the potential for further international collaboration and the development and implementation of specific educational programs.

One conceivable example of the kind of new global design education program that is envisaged is an initiative in which a few students would be selected from participating institutions and sent to another institution to hold a workshop; once there, they would be hosted by teaching staff and provide instruction to the students. As part of this program, students from multiple participating institutions (including students from the host institution) would engage in a week-long workshop focused on a task set by the host institution, thereby deepening mutual understanding and exchange. One of the key features would be the absence of any teaching staff from the dispatching institution to lead or accompany the group. This would make it an entirely new kind of program that would simultaneously help to cultivate leadership skills, fostering a sense of responsibility and cooperative spirit among the students themselves. Moreover, at the same time, it is hoped that this would result in the creation of a collaborative network in the form of the Global Design Faculty (tentative name), consisting of the teaching staff serving as hosts at each participating institution, and that this in turn would help to enhance teaching and leadership skills at all of our institutions.


Title:   Global Design Education Forum 2014 in Tokyo -Towards a global design faculty –

Date:  24. Febrary.2014 |Mon| 1.30pm – 6.00pm (Reception will be started after Forum2)
25. Febrary |Tue| 10.30am – 6.00pm

Venue: Tokyo Midtown Design Hub
-International Design Liaison Center
-Musashino Art University Design Lounge
(5F, Midtown Tower, 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo Japan 107-6205)

・Prof. Philipp Heidkamp | Köln International School of Design, Cologne University of Applied Sciences
・Mr. Nicholas Rhodes | Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London
・Mr. Venka Purushothaman | Lasalle College of the Arts
・Prof. Wan-Ru Chou |Shih Chien University
・Prof. Tadanori Nagasawa | Musashino Art University

・Prof. Hiroshi Imaizumi | Musashino Art University

Program :
Forum Day-1 : 2014.02.24 |Mon| 1.30pm – 6.00pm
1.30pm – Opening Ceremony
2.00pm – Forum-1 : Introduction of Global Programs by Four Participating Universities
4.30pm – Forum-2 : Introduction of MAU’s Global Program
Discussion on Importance of Global Design Education
6.00pm – Reception

Forum Day-2 : 2014.02.25 |Tue| 10.30am – 6.00pm
10.30am – Forum-3 : Exchanging Thoughts on Global Design Education
1.30pm – Forum-4 : Seeking Ideas for Developing New Collaborative Projects and Programs
4.00pm – Forum-5 : Further Discussion of the Potential Plans
5.30pm – Closing Ceremony


Admission: Free

Organiser: Musashino Art University

Cooperation: Japan Institute of Design Promotion

Inquiry: Musashino Art University, Center for International Relations (tel: 042-342-6041)
パネリストプロフィール / Panelists


Professor Philipp Heidkamp
Dean, Faculty of Cultural Sciences
Chair Interface / Interaction Design, KISD
Head of Programme MA Integrated Design, KISD
Head of Internationalisation, KISD
University Council Member, Cologne University of Applied Sciences

Since 2001 Philipp Heidkamp is full-time Professor and Chair for Interface / Interaction Design at the Design Department / KISD of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences (CUAS); since its foundation in 2002 he has been the Head of School of the Köln International School of Design (former Design Department) until 2006.
Since 2006, he is the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of the CUAS and head of the MA Programme “European Design”. In 2008 he became the Head of the new international MA Programme „Integrated Design“ that started in 2009. He is also responsible for the Internationalisation at KISD. Furthermore, he is member of the University Council.
His main focus and responsibility for curriculum innovation and development and international relations led to cooperational contracts with Universities in Australia, Japan, Taiwan, China, Hongkong, Brasil, U.S. and South Africa as a basis for an International Network of Excellence in Design Education. He has been visiting professor for Semiotics, Visual Communication and Interface / Interaction Design in Spain, Austria, China, Taiwan, Japan, South Africa and Australia.
Philipp Heidkamp is a speaker on international conferences in Japan, Taiwan, South Africa and Brazil. He has been a member of various international design juries (like IF Award, Germany or JDF Award, Japan) and academic examination commitees (Intermedia Austria, HGK Zurich, IVREA Italy).
He is founding Member of DGTF (German Society for Design Theory and Research). In 2006, he has been co-founder of the international Cultural Library project that has been initiated by the Musashino Art University in Tokyo.
In addition to his academic practice, he is partner at syntax design, a design and consulting studio founded in 1995, focussing on Interface /Interaction Design and Information Design. syntax design is realizing projects for a wide range of national and international clients (Bertelsmann, Siemens, T-Online, EXPO 2000, Mc Kinsey, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, German Ministry for Science and Research etc).



Mr. Nicholas Rhodes MA DipCSAD FHEA FRSA
Programme Director Product Ceramic & Industrial Design
Course Leader MA Industrial Design
Central Saint Martins
University of the Arts London

Nick is a Designer and Educator of some 20 years in practice.
His design work encompasses industrial design, branding and new product development. He has devised, designed, and directed projects for international brands including CNN Bespoke, Moët & Chandon, Montblanc, and Molton Brown. He has also worked for governmental development agencies including The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, Jamaica Trade and Invest, Caribbean Export Development Agency, the London Development Agency, and the Centre for Development of Enterprise Brussels.
He has taught at Bachelors & Masters levels in the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, China, the Caribbean, and Australia. Nick currently holds the post of Programme Director for Product, Ceramic & Industrial Design at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London. His courses are holders of the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for industrial and product design’s contribution to the strength of the creative economy.
His research interests meet at the convergence of luxury design and social enterprise.



Mr. Venka Purushothaman
Vice-President (Academic) & Provost
LASALLE College of the Arts

Venka Purushothaman is currently Vice-President (Academic) & Provost at LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore – a leading institution in contemporary arts and design practice and education in Southeast Asia. He is responsible for steering curricular development, academic operations, international partnerships and academic quality assurance.

Venka is highly regarded for his research and insights in the cultural and creative industries in Asia and has lectured internationally on issues in contemporary art; festival cultures and cultural policy in Asia; and arts and design education.

He has also researched and published extensively. These include essays on artists such as Pierre & Gilles (France), Nathalie Junod Ponsard (France), Parvati Nayar (India); and, artist monographs: The Art of Sukumar Bose: Reflections on South and Southeast Asia (2013); Dance Me through the Dark: The Photography of Tan Ngiap Heng (2008); and Salleh Japar: Gurindam dan Igauan. (2004). His books on culture includes Making Visible the Invisible: Three Decades of the Singapore Arts Festival  (2007) and Narratives: Notes on a Cultural Journey, Cultural Medallion Recipients, 1979-2002 (2002).

Venka is a member of the Association of International Art Critics, France (AICA) and Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts, UK (RSA).



Professor Wan-Ru Chou
Associate Professor
Department of Industrial Design
Shih-Chien University

Wan-Ru Chou received her Master degree of Product Design from Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna, Austria. She is full time Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Design at Shih-Chien University (SCID) since 1994 and served as Chairperson of SCID from 1999 till 2011. SCID was selected as Top 30 Best Design Program in the world by Businessweek magazine (U.S.) in 2009.
Prof. Chou is invited as Guest professor at Hunan University in Changsha, Huaqiao University in Xiamen and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art in Guangzhou, China, as well as at Köln International School of Design and FH Würzburg, Germany.
The author of regular essays published in journals, magazines, newspapers and books, Professor Chou has made keynote speeches, led workshops and given lectures in many countries.
She is also member of jury committee for many government-sponsored projects and various design competition, coordinator of international design workshops and project leader of academy-industry cooperative projects.
She is presently living in Taipei, Taiwan.



Professor Tadanori Nagasawa
Professor, Chairperson of the Department of Design Informatics, Musashino Art University
President of Tadanori Nagasawa & Associates Limited

He has been working as a design consultant and a cultural engineer since he graduated at Royal College of Art in 1981, and he founded “Tadanori Nagasawa & Associates Ltd.” 1986, besides his design business he established a design think-tank “Design Analysis International Ltd.” in 1987 with his colleagues in London, Tokyo and New York and organized many design exhibitions in Japan and Europe until 1992.
As educator, he was a founding member of the Tohoku University of Art and Design in 1993 -1999 and he became a founding member and Professor of the Department of Design Informatics, Musashino Art University in 1999 and he has been the Chairperson of the department since 2011 after he spent eight years of the administration as Director of International Relations and Deputy President of the Musashino Art University. He has been an advisor for the national government and several regional authorities, as well as professional associations and private-sector clients on all aspects of design and public relations. He has been a member of the juries of many design competitions and has been invited to speak at many design seminars throughout Japan and many foreign countries. He contributed as the author of numerous magazine articles and design books.



Emcee :  Professor Hiroshi Imaizumi 
Department of Design Informatics, Musashino Art University



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